Sunday, May 4, 2014

Blog Every Day in May: Day 4 "Something Wicked This Way Comes!!"

Today's post is about something that scares you, but we'll get to that in a moment. Today is also May 4th, which means all the Star Wars nerds are in full celebration mode!  "May the 'Fourth' be with you..."  Get it?!  Pretty cleaver stuff right there!  We aren't dis-included from this group. Rob is a pretty big fan of the force, so we spent the evening watching Episodes 4-6. 

Now on to the stuff my nightmares are made of.

The big one: Crocodiles and Alligators. 

These creepy dinosaurs make my skin crawl. I don't like seeing them at zoos or even at Disney World on the Animal Kingdom Safari ride!  While we were in Florida I refused my mom and sister going to the Everglades. I like having them alive. I don't even like seeing them in movies or on TV shows. I thought Steve Irwin was basically insane so I refused that show as well. Lake Placid still might be the scariest move I've ever seen. I am getting better. Meaning I can handle seeing the creatures on the tele or in movies but don't prefer it and I did pretty well with the gators at the mini golf place in Florida when Rob and I went a couple of years back. 

Some equally as irrational but not on the same level as the above:

~Getting a call that someone I love has been hurt or worse. Scary stuff right there. But I know it can't stop the fun parts of living. I mean, that's what it's all about, right?! 

~Ghosts. Yes, I'm a believer. Family members of mine have had past supernatural experiences. I just don't care to join that club. I mean,sure...if a loved one list wants to drop by to check in while I'm at work or in a deep sleep, I'm all for it. I just don't want to physically see or feel it. I would be perfectly happy if they just left me a note. Paper and pen. No creepy words drawn into the steamed up bathroom mirror. 

Hope everyone had a nice relaxing Sunday!  Forgive me if this post has some crazy formatting. I'm posting quick from bed on the iPad. 

But anyway, what spooks you out? 

1 comment:

  1. Getting a bad phone call is so scary. My Dad took the worst strategy two years ago after my sister got in an accident that totaled her car. He called me and said, "Lizzy got in an accident, she's fine." NO, DAD! The correct way to share that news is, "Lizzy is fine, okay, but she was in an accident." Because the first way, my heart almost stopped.
