Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blog Every Day in May 2014: Day 3 "A Favorite Quote"

So, I don't really have a favorite quote per say...  I mean, there's no worldly and Earth-moving phrase that comes to mind so I'm kind of winging this one!  I even had trouble settling on a quote for my High School yearbook quote.  It couldn't be too common, but not so out of the world it didn't make sense either!  Did anyone else have trouble with that?

Anyway...without keeping you waiting further, here are a couple of random quotes I came up with to share.  I like them, and I even try to live by them (well, sort of - you'll see), but I still don't think I can call any one quote my "favorite."  I mean, it's like choosing a favorite song...I don't think I actually could narrow it down to one single song...or movie for that matter.

This one is a HP original...courtesy of one Miss Luna Lovegood:
      “Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.”  All credit here goes to the brilliant mind of J.K. Rowling! 

I thought this was a good one and it really does make sense.  Even though you might lose something, it's never really lost.  In some way, shape or form it comes back to you, whether it be in a newer, better version, a fond memory of a loved one, or a second chance at something.

Another good one:
     "Everything happens for a reason."

I'm not really sure where this one originated, but I know my grandma and my mom are both big believers in this.  They always insisted on this piece of advice, no matter what the situation - good or bad.  This small sentence has a way of popping up in so many big events.  I am definitely a believer!  A relationship ends and you feel terrible but then realize it was because there was someone better you were meant to be with - maybe even just "you" for a while!  You lost a job and it seems like your world is spiraling out of control with bills and adulthood responsibilities but then you find your true calling in life and couldn't be happier.  Everything that happens does happen for a reason and whatever it is, enjoy the adventure. 

Want to see what I'll be up to the rest of the month?  Check out the list here!

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