Saturday, May 10, 2014

Blog Every Day in May 2014: Day 9 "Worst Habits..." 5 On Friday Style

Happy Friday, Friends!!!  I'm linking up with ChristinaDarciApril, and Natasha again, the lovely ladies who put together 5 On Friday!

Bad Habits.  I've got 'em.  You've got 'em.  It's part of life - and sometimes is even a fun question to answer in an interview!

Here are five of my own bad habits - varying degrees of 'bad.'

A Wee Bit O'Bad

I bite/chew on the inside of my cheek/lip when I'm nervous, stressed out, bored.  It gets so bad sometimes my cheek bleeds and then I have that awkward regenerating healing skin on the inner part of your cheek growing back making your mouth feel all fat and gross deal going on...and then I want to chew on that too!  It becomes a bad habit loop I get stuck in and keep going round and round, biting and chewing, chewing and biting!  Someone get me some gum or a sucker already!!!

A Bit Badder!  

 The snooze button has become my morning nemesis!  I have developed this love-hate relationship with my alarm in the morning.  It goes off - all yelling at me in it's loud voice and I smack it with my fingertip to shut it up.  Then it's quite for a little while - 9 minutes I think!  Side track: Who thought 9 minutes was a good amount of time to snooze!  I mean come on - I require at least 15 minutes.  I honestly don't know when I became a constant snoozer, but it's definitely not a good habit!  Sometimes it gets kind of out of hand - I mean, like multiple snoozes a morning.  Then I finally, albeit begrudgingly, crawl out of the cocoon that has become my bed and greet the world with a proverbial middle finger!  I just wanted 15 more minutes!!!

Bad Is As Bad Does

I torture my bladder!  If I'm doing something and if during the completion of that something I get the urge...I hold it.  I won't go, until I meet some ridiculous goal.  Maybe I'm at work and I have to get this task done then get X number more codes done before I let myself up to pee!  I know it's really bad for my bladder and future Megan is probably going to pay down the road, but I just can't help it!  I have been making steady strides on this one though!  I've been letting myself up to pee freely (I pee freely) hahah...please someone else remember that being hilarious as a kid (and I guess as an adult too) when the urge comes strings attached!

I'm Bad, Da-Na-Na-Na-Naa

Spending Money on random things I don't need - I guess I consider that a bad habit.  I work near the mall and a whole bunch of other stores so it's so easy for me to pop out on my lunch to blow off steam and end up spending way too much money!  Oh, hello {random wonderful store}!  It's been a while...why yes, I would love that dress - and those shoes, and oh!, look at that - I need that in at least every color!  I mean, I gave up shopping for Lent to try to help myself reel back the unnecessary spending some.  I was actually really successful this year!  Last year I failed miserably - but this year, I only really cheated once!  Yay!!!  But now that Lent is over I'm really trying to keep it in my wallet!  ☺ So far I'm definitely doing better!  What I really need to do is actually try to stick to a for-real, adult-style budget!  Problem is, it just sounds like no fun and way too much actual work...and will power!

Bad To The Bone

I am an avid wrist and ankle cracker.  I will end up with artheritis some day; I'm almost certain of it.  I am constantly rotating the bones in my wrists and ankles to make them crack.  It feels good, but hurts at the same time.  It's one of those weird senses of relief!  One time I cracked my wrist so many times in a row I had to put it in a brace to limit the mobity of it becasue my fingers were getting tingly.  They finally went back to normal after a couple days of TLC but it's a problem!  Rob even finds it absolutely disgusting!  He says the sound of the bones rotating just is wrong.  Funny thing is...I don't know how anyone could crack their knuckles or neck!  Yuck!!

What are some of your Bad Habits!  What have you done to break them!?

Hope you all had a great week!  I've personally been ready for this weekend since about Tuesday!  Hope you've got something exciting and/or relaxing planned!  And a Happy Mother's Day weekend to all those mommies out there!

I'm attempting to Blog Every Day in May!  Care to follow along or join in for the rest of the month!  Check out or Grab the button below!  Also, exciting news for me!  This is my 50th post!  WooHoo!  I feel like I'm getting somewhere now!!

Blog Every Day in May with The Nog Logs

1 comment:

  1. I confess! I am a cheek biter too! Girl, I don't even realize I"m doing it until later on when I have some orange juice or something and I'm like OUCH! Gum...please! First stop stopping by (from the link up) and I hope your weekend is wonderful!
