Monday, May 12, 2014

Blog Every Day in May 2014: Day 10 "The Meaning Behind My Blog Name"

Back when I was in High School I worked at this little local pizza joint.  Over Christmas break from school a couple of my friends came to visit me while I was on the job.  It was a pretty slow night so when I brought them a box I was able to sit and play a while!

I'm not sure how we came up with the idea, but we decided to give each other Holiday themed nick-names and doodle them on the pizza  box.  I became "Meg Nog," a play off "Egg Nog."  Carrie became "Sugar Plum Carrie," a play off the "Sugar Plum Fairy."  And, finally, Allison.  Her's was a little tricky.  We thought and thought but really had a tough time coming up with anything seasonal that rhymed with her she became "Alli, Son of God."  It was the best we could do as a bunch of teens hopped up on pizza and soda!  But, if you can come up with something better for Allison, I'd love to hear it!!!  ...and I'm sure she would too!!

So, that's the back-story.  Now for a more present-day tie-in.  I had been thinking about creating a blog - and coming up with a blog name is the first challenge!  Well, that and figuring out what kind of blog you want to create.  I already knew I wanted to have more of a loose idea of a lifestyle blog to chronicle the things I do, the places I go, the thoughts I have, and to share the things I buy and the recipes I try!  So, with a blog just for me I figured the name had to be me too!  My blog actually started out being called Meg ♥ Nogged but then after a few days I decided to change it to The Nog Logs.  I was going for more of a "here's a log of all things Meg Nog!"  And, that's all started with a bunch of silly gals, a pizza box, and some Holiday cheer!

Do you blog?  How did you come up with your blog name?  Is there a fun story behind it???

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