Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blog Every Day in May 2014: Day 2 "15 Facts"

So I'm barely sneaking this one in...we've been helping a couple of friends move all day!

Here's 15 Random Facts about Me!  Hope you enjoy - this is going to be quick....I'm pooped!
  1. I was born in Illinois on a Naval Base.
  2. I'm very close with my family - My mom and my Aunt are great and it's so fun to get to have a new, more adult type of relationship with them!  They're both such amazing women - I'm pretty lucky to have such great role models!  I also have one Sister, Lauren, who I've always gotten along with, even though we're pretty much opposites, and I don't know what I would do without her! 
  3. I did most of my growing up in a small town where my mom still lives.  It's still fun to visit because you can't go anywhere without running into a familiar face!'s on Lake that's also a big plus!
  4. I live in Grand Rapids now...still close enough to my family but I really like the bigger city atmosphere.  There's so much more going on!
  5. I share my home with my wonderful boyfriend, Rob (we've been together for just over 4 years now) and my fur babe, Gatsby, a 22 (down from 25)- pound black and white beast of a cat.  My boys make me so happy!  I love them both to pieces!!
  6. I've known my bestfriend since 2nd grade...but back then I actually hated her!  She and I had our High School Graduation Party together and went to the same college, but never lived together....we would probably not be speaking if we did!  Thank goodness we didn't, because we still get together to do all sorts of amazing nonsense and I can definitely say my life would not be as sparkly-farkly without her!
  7. My degree is in Advertising...although I have been working as a Paralegal for over 4 years now!
  8. I have a complete addiction (somewhat newer...well, within the last 2 years or so) to subscription boxes and bath, body and make-up products!  I currently subscribe to Birchbox and PopSugar Must Have Box, both monthly, and FabFitFun and Fortune Cookie Soap Box, both seasonal!  I would do them all if I could...but I'm no millionaire...and I think Rob would probably kill me!
  9. I love to bake!  I always have - it relaxes me, plus it's fun and you get to totally devour the fruits of your labor!
  10. Another addiction: Broadway Musicals - love them, can't get enough of 'em, been to quite a few and am always down to see whatever I can!
  11. I'd rather wear dresses than pants....any day!  Darn all the waistbands!!!  But a good belt to cinch it all in...that I'm down for!
  12. I love to read (mostly young adult), but lately I've had absolutely zero interest in reading  I'm looking to get my booking mojo back...but nothing yet.  I also really like listening to audio books in my car...and I have been known to get somewhere and sit in the parking lot until a good break in the story comes along!
  13. I hate potatoes.  Any shape, sort or flavor of them.  I don't like French Fries, Potato Chips, Mashed Potatoes, or any other variety you can think of!  It's not a texture thing.  It's a I just think they're completely disgusting thing.  I do try some sort of tater every once in a while just to see if my taste buds have changed...but nothing yet.  Yuck!
  14. I love traveling and wish I could do more of it!  I've been to several of the states and Mexico/Canada - so I've got a good hold on the North America Scene, but I've never been overseas and would love to visit so many places over yonder - like England, France, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, and so many other places!!!
  15. I love beer, especially Michigan craft beers!  Rob and I are Mug Club members at Founders and Grand Rapids Brewing Company, and we're always excited to try new brews, and explore new breweries!  I'm also a pretty big fan of wines, although I'm a total sucker for the sweet ones!  Moscatos and Rieslings are my faves! 

Happy Friday, friends!  Hope you all have a fabulous weekend ahead of you!

Interested in joining me on this blogging adventure?  Check out the list here!

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