Friday, February 21, 2014

Five On Friday: Weekend Goals

I'm doing this one a little differently!  It's been a busy week, so I've been kind of slacking on the bloggy side of my life...but I figured everyone should have time to share five simple little tid-bits on a Friday!  I mean, it is Friday after all!  And who doesn't love a FRIDAY!  If you want to get in on this, make sure to link-up with  ChristinaDarciApril, and Natasha for 5 on Friday!!! 
Goals...we've all got 'em, but it's accomplishing them that's the real challenge.  So far...not gonna lie....I'm not doing so hot on my New Year's Resolutions!  I'm totally wearing my shame-face - you can't see it, but trust me, it's there, and it's not pretty!  I would say, "maybe next year!!!" but instead of shirking off my to-dos a whole year, I'm going to make myself five little weekend goals!  They'll be easy and fun to accomplish so I'm really hoping they'll put me in the mood to tackle the big ones without wasting anymore time!!!
1.  Celebrate Brittany's Birthday! 

My co-worker friend's GOLDEN birthday is Monday so we're going to lunch tomorrow (Olive Garden - Unlimited B.Sticks/Salad and Soup....YES PLEASE!)  We're also all going to meet up on Saturday night for a bit of fun, which leads me to my next weekend goal....
2.  Meet Amy.
Another of my co-worker friends has let us in on a little secret!  His cute little girlfriend is coming to visit and B and I are so ecstatic to finally meet her!  The beer will be flowing, the laugher will be pleantiful and the smiles will be so many that they leave your cheeks sore for days!  At least that's how I picture it! 
3.  Hang with my ZTA Sorority Sisters.
Our alumna group is getting together for lunch and a tour of the Fox 17 Studio downtown Grand Rapids on Saturday morning and I can't wait!  It's always great seeing those lovely ladies and catching up!  And, thanks to our awesome and overachieving social chair, we have so many fun things planned on our calendar!
4.  Cross off at least two more movies on my Best Picture list! 
I really want to try to watch all the films nominated for best picture this year, or at least as many as I can before the actual Academy Awards (I think it's on March 2nd??)....but I'm kind of failing in a BIG way so far!  I've watched exactly two so far:  1.  Gravity and 2.  Captain Phillips.  Aiming for Wolf on Wall Street and either American Hustle or Nebraska this weekend!  Has anyone already devoured all of these?  Any suggestions?! 
And, in case you were you don't have to leave me to look them's the nominees this year!
American Hustle
Captain Phillips
Dallas Buyers Club
12 Years a Slave
The Wolf of Wall Street
5.  Bake something.
I don't really know what I want to make, but I'm open to suggestions!  I just know I want to make something delicious and fun and different and exciting and....  ;-)
Ideas?  I'd love some new recipes to try!!!
Hope you all have a thoroughly great weekend and get all your own little to-dos done!



  1. I love that we both talked about our goals this Friday! You can totally do it! I think trying to watch all the Best Pictures is so fun! I have seen Wolf on Wallstreet and wasn't the biggest fan but heard American Hustle was really good. Have a great weekend!

    1. I think American Hustle might win here but I'm sure it will ultimately come down to whatever is playing when I decide to venture out on Sunday afternoon! Hope you have a great weekend too!! Heading over to check out your goals now! :-)

  2. The only one of those movies that I have seen was Captain Phillips. I still really want to see 12 years a slave. And it sure sounds like you have a lot of fun planned!

    1. I heard 12 Years A Slave is really good! I think the closest it's playing around here might be Muskegon though??? At least if I heard the radio man correctly the other day! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  3. I've been meaning to watch Gravity. I've heard mixed reviews about it.

    1. We liked it. It hasn't become my most favorite movie of all time or anything, but I enjoyed watching it and appreciated that it was something fresh and different! I think it's out on DVD now - you should check it out! Hope you have a great weekend!!
