Saturday, February 1, 2014

Five on Friday {Short and Sweet}

Excited to be linking up with  ChristinaDarciApril, and Natasha for my second 5 on Friday!!!

I'm a bit late off the blocks again this week ...and composing via iPad in bed, so I'm going to keep this short and sweet!


We finally made it back up into double digits!!!  As such...some of our snow has melted and you can drive to your destinations with lessened feelings of foreboding and anxiety!  


I've been getting attacked by the chocolate cravings monster all week!!  I finally caved and whipped up a little single serve mug cake the other day!  I had some Oreos and some mini marshmallows so I kind of went for a 'Cookies & Cream' type of deal!  It turned out pretty good and they only take a couple of minutes to make so it was the perfect little treat to appease my Sweet Tooth!!  You can find the recipe along with a few variations here!


Friday Movie Night in!  I finally got to re-watch Deep Blue Sea!!!  Yay!!!  Don't ask why I've been obsessing over watching a sub-par movie about genetically altered sharks for the past couple weeks...because I just don't have a good reason!  But after the sharks and getting a 'bite' to eat {hah, funny...get it?!} we moved on to The Spectacular Now, which I really enjoyed!  I mean, who doesn't love a good coming of age film now and again?!


I couldn't resist sharing this little furball all cuddled up next to his little cat-nip filled beaver!!!  He must be having good dreams because it kind of looks like he's smiling!



I was beyond thrilled to have been nominated for a Liebster Award!  You can read the full post here!

Hope you all have an absolutely fabulous weekend!!!


  1. We are not yet to the point of being able to drive with "less foreboding and anxiety" but I'm looking forward to that day!!

    1. Me too! I have a sneaking suspicion the couple good days were just temporary!

  2. Hello from the link up :) Hooray for double digit temps!! The chocolate goodness looks amazing! Mmmm:) Hope you and your cute kitty are enjoying a lovely start to the weekend!

  3. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you and your family have a great weekend too!!
