Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dear 2013...

Dear 2013,

     Overall you were a pretty good year.  I didn't hate you, but then again, I didn't really love you either!  I'd say the scale is tipped in your favor however...'cause I fancy myself an optimist! Anyway, let's take a peek back at a few things I can remember from your archives!

      Well, the biggest thing is that I found out that I would be "promoted" at work - but not for a loooong time - getting closer, but the process is taking much too long for my particularly excitable and 'gotta-have-it-now' mentality!  So, I'm hoping this is one thing I do actually accomplish in 2014!  But, on a side note - got my W-2 it just me or does everyone look at that and go, "Ummm....I most certainly did not make $xxxxx this year!??!  Nuh-uh!  Prove it, If I did...where'd it all run off to!?"  2014 has me super busy already - about to rock out three states - MI, NJ, and OH!  Yikes!  But, challenge accepted if it gets me moving toward my new duties!  The Type-A in me is kind of giddy because it means new bins to organize and a one-on-one date with the label maker!!  WooHoo!!

       And, the car problems you bought me were definitely on top of their game!  I managed to pop not one, but two tires....and my spare....within the whopping span of 2 weeks!!!  Thank you 2013 pot-holes!  I also cracked my rim one of the times - yikes!!  Then there was that awesome day where my tie-iron or tie rod deal(forgive if this is not mechanically correct - I don't pretend to be an auto-bot!) decided to the morning...on my way to the middle of the road!  I managed to scoot myself over toward the shoulder and thankfully I was still at home (more or less) - it went caput right as I was turning around in the Landlord's driveway.  AAA saved the day and then I got to find out that I also needed new brake pads (not a super shocker) and rotors and this and that...blech - goodbye giant chunk of savings!!  But, on the plus side, I went and ate a delightful plate of French Toast with a side of a Chili Cheese Dog for brunch while I waited instead of, maybe not an epic fail! 

      Some more highlights you graced me with:  I got to know my awesome office-mates so much better!  So lucky to have friends I get to see everyday at work!  And, I started blogging (not well, but hoping I can do a bit better in the years to come!)  I read some great books, and hooked myself on The Mortal Instruments series.  A group of gals and I started and ended a book club at the office, then I started another one - which is kind of still trying to find its wings!  I got to spend some great times with my family - although it never feels like enough!  My mom and I even took a fun trip down to Tennessee to visit family there, and made a couple extra stops on the way down - Jim Beam Distillery anyone?! 

     The saddest thing you brought was the departure of our dear Kitten.  She left us just after Halloween and is and will continue to be greatly missed.  She had the softest fur on the planet and the cutest little short tail ever!! 

    You sure had your ups and downs, but those are the things that make life worth living, even the hard, not so fun parts! I'm looking onward and upward to 2014 and I can't wait to see what new experiences are in store for my family, friends and me!  So far I've made quite a list of things I'd like to accomplish in the new year - but more on that later...'cause I'm gonna try to be a better blogger, you know!

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