Saturday, January 25, 2014

Five on Friday!

First off:  It's FRIDAY!!  WOOHOO!  {Happy Dance}

Second off:  It's almost midnight so Friday is technically almost! 

And finally....let's get down to this business!  This is my ... drum roll please....  FIRST EVER LINK-UP!  I'm exciting to get my feet a little wetter in the blogging world!  I'm still not quite sure how this all works, so please don't judge too harshly!  Plus I've had a pretty uneventful week - so this will be a bit random...I mean, I might even throw in a kitty picture for funzies! 

ONE:  I've been having the baking crave again - and perfect timing too!  My co-worker, Brittany, brought me her almost donezo bananas the other day!  I decided I wanted to make jumbo muffins so I didn't have a million muffins looking at me and begging to be eaten!  Plus, it's so much easier to push a few jumbo treats on folks than it is to push a bazillion regular sized treats - who knows?!  I managed to get them all to good new tummy homes over just a day or two!  Hooray! 

I like to call them "Banana-Rama Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Jumbo Muffos!" ...but it's a working title!  I plan to post a recipe soon if you're at all interested - they went over pretty good with the masses!!

TWO:  We are switching Gatsby over to a new food - he was having litter-box 'problems' (I'll spare you the gruesome details) with his old food (Purina One something or other) so I took him to visit his vet and they put him on a special fiber rich food to help with the aforementioned issue, etc.  It did help but we've been starting to see some of the early signs of the 'problem' again, so we wanted to switch it up to something with even less with some recommendations we went with Natural Balance Fat Cats.  It's supposed to be low calorie and is still pretty high in fiber - so hopefully everything will work out for my little fur ball and maybe he'll even lose some Lbs!

THREE: I met up with the gals from my ZTA Alumna group for a lovely dinner and meeting yesterday!  We had a great time chit-chatting and catching up - and even managed to get some business done!

FOUR:  We're supposed to be getting another big Winter storm tonight / tomorrow - bring it on Snowmageddon!  Let's see what you're made of!  (Hopefully it lets up enough for me to head to my Mom's and retrieve my cross-country skiis and snow pants!)  If you're out and about in this stuff - make sure to drive safely!!

This is what I'll be painting...
FIVE:  Tomorrow I'm participating in a Wine & Canvass event!  I'm so excited to try this out!  Wine + Friends + Painting sounds like a win in my book! 

Let's hope the instructor is good and mine actually turns out looking like it's from the same general planet as the sample!  It's a picture of the Grand Rapids city skyline over the Grand River!  I loved the Local vibe!

Hope you all had a great week and will have an even better weekend!

I'm going to be relaxing with my Fur Pal, Gatsby, and putting down a cold one!  Cheers! 
Gatsby + Founders Beer = The makings of a purrfect Friday Night In!


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