Saturday, January 18, 2014

Resolutions and Things I'd Like to Do in 2014!

Okay, so this year I'm going to try holding myself more accountable for my resolutions!  I didn't epically fail last year but there is definite room for improvement!  So, without further ado - here they are - my 2014 Resolutions!

1.  Save more money!!!  I'm on my way here - doing several 52 week challenges at once!
2.  Pay off at least one credit card!  Hoping for two, but I'm aiming low for a higher success rate!
3.  Be better at flossing!  I do floss but definitely not as much as I should!  I'm getting too old not to, there's no excuses - this one is a must!
4.  Get back into my gym routine!  
5.  Devour at least 24 books this year, minimum!
6.  Become a better blogger!  Maybe even participate in a link-up or two!  Any suggestions for good ones are appreciated!!!

Things to Do in 2014!

These are in no particular order and are a little all over the place!  Ranging from things I've always wanted to do, like get a real facial or go sky diving, to things I haven't done in a while, like visit the zoo or go on a vacation!

1.  Go to the zoo
2.  Go bowling 
3.  Play minigolf
4.  Play tennis
5.  Buy a couch - One of my 52 week jars are being allocated for this!!
6.  Take a vacation - And another one here!
7.  Sky dive
8.  Get a Facial
9.  Play Laser Tag
10.  Take a long weekend in Chicago
11.  Make it a point to visit my friends and family more often!
12.  Be more crafty! And, actually finish a crafting project once started! the scarf I've been knitting for my mom for over a year! :-)

I may add to this list and I'll try to remember to update my achievements as I can!  Wish me luck and help keep me accountable!!  I want to make 2014 a great and successful year!!  What are your plans for the new year?!  Any challenging resolutions or goals?  Is love to hear about your adventures in resolution accountability too, so keep me updated!!  And, good luck to you all!  We can do this!!


  1. There's a great Five on Friday linkup each Friday where you can list any five things you's super fun! You can find the link on my blog...I try to participate every Friday.

    1. Awesome! I'll have to give it a shot! Thanks for the tip! I love your blog's new look by the way - super cute!
