Wednesday, February 4, 2015

To DIY For: Homemade Face Mask!


I have been dealing with some pretty awesomely crappy stuff at work, so you add that to my favorite monthly visitor and BOOM....pretty awesomely crappy skin!  Don't you just love when that happens?! 

Seriously, when one pimple finally fades away, another pops up somewhere else!  It was like playing {and losing}the very worst game of whack-a-mole ever! 

I was craving the freshly made goodness of a Lush Fresh Face Mask...but alas, our local Lush was all sold out - both times I tried to pick one up!  So, I turned to Google in desperation.  Plus I have kind of wanted to try making one from things in my own kitchen for a while now so this just kind of nudged my hand a little.

I found this super simple recipe online and decided to give it a go, but first - a few words of caution.  If you have sensitive skin or any sort of allergy to either of the ingredients....don't use this!  If you're not sure if you're sensitive, test a small amount on the inside of your elbow and wait until the next day to be sure you're safe before applying this directly to your face!  Heed this warning!  I'm not responsible for any adverse reactions you might encounter! now that the boring part is out of the way, here we go!!

What You'll Need

  • Honey
  • Cinnamon
  • A small bowl
  • A tablespoon

What You Do

  1. Combine 1 Tablespoon of Cinnamon with 2 Tablespoons of Honey and mix until well blended.  The mixture should become paste-like, spreadable, but not too thin. 
  2. Apply the mixture to a clean face and leave on for 10-15 minutes. 
  3. Rinse with warm water. 
  4. Apply a toner and/or moisturizer. 
    • Hint:  If you don't have a toner, you can make one with ingredients from your kitchen!  Just dilute a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar with water and apply with a cotton ball.  You don't need much, but if you have leftovers you can refrigerate it for a few days. 
1.  Just plain old honey and cinnamon from my cupboard, nothing special!  2.  Combine the goods.  3.  Form a paste. 

I found this mask helped tame my break out and left my skin smooth.  The cinnamon and honey work together and provide your skin with intense exfoliation when you're rinsing it off. 

When rinsing is the only time I experienced a little bit of irritation (I don't have sensitive skin or any known allergies).  It wasn't unbearable, just a little tingly and my face was a bit red after, but not any more so than normal after using an exfoliating produce.  Though I don't have sensitive skin in the normal respects, I do turn red quite easily after touching or scratching my skin, so any type of exfoliating products tend to tomatosize me!  My doctor suggested I might have a mild case of dermographism or something similar, however, I have not been actually diagnosed with anything to date.  The redness in my case went away after around 15 or 20 minutes. 

Creature Feature! 
So if you've patch tested the mixture on your arm and didn't have any adverse effects, I hope you enjoy giving this mask a go!  I was rather surprised at how much it actually worked and will be using it again and again!  I especially love that it's so simple and I always have the ingredients in my kitchen!! 

Have you tried any homemade masks?  What did you think?  Please share your recipes if you wouldn't mind!!!   I'd love to try some more!

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